Often prevention could be more valuable than conservation. At left: An attic amphora, shattered into hundreds of fragments after the
1994 Northridge earthquake in California. A proper mounting would have diminished the percentage of damage.
Titles of Maya Elston published articles and presentations

1.Technical and Aesthetic Consideration in the Conservation of Ancient Ceramic and Terracotta Objects in the J.Paul Getty Museum: Five Case Study. Published at Studies in Conservation 35 1990, 69-80;pr:92-97
2. “Ancient Repairs of Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum” (published in the The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal, Volume 18/1990. Presented at the Ceramic Conference in Seattle, 1991).

3. “Technology and Conservation of a Polychromed Wooden Sarcophagus” (presented at the Conference on Conservation in Ancient Egyptian Collections in London, 1994; proceedings from the same conference published in 1995.
4. “The Use of Paper Pulp Based Fill Material for Compensation of Losses to Sculpture”, Jerry Podany, Maya Elston, Lisbet Thoresen and Susan Lansing, (published as a preprint for the Conference “ From Marble to Chocolate” in London, 1995).

5. “Conservation of Roman Wall Paintings”. Presenting the paper to the International Wallpainting Conference in Ravello, Italy 1996.

6. “Fragments of Roman Wall painting in the J. Paul Getty Museum: A Preliminary Technical Investigation”, Arie Wallert and Maya Elston. Article published at the proceedings of the International Workshop on Roman Paintings, Fribourg 1997.

7 “Conservation of an Attic Red-Figure Kylix by Douris” (presented at the Interim meeting of the ICOM-CC Working Group in Amsterdam 1992 and in Vantaa, Finland, 1998. Published in the preprints of the ICOM Conference Helsinki –1998.

8.“A Corrective Treatment on a 5th Century BC Attic Krater” (presented at the interim meeting of the ICOM–CC Working Group “Glass, Ceramic and Related Materials” in Vantaa, Finland, 1998; published in the preprints of the ICOM Conference Helsinki –1998

9. Graphic and Computer Reconstruction of Ancient Material: Two Case Studies. Presented at the AIC Conference in San Diego. Published in the July issue of Apollo Magazine LTD, London, 1999).
11. Technical Investigations of a Painted Romano - Egyptian Sarcophagus from the Fourth Century A.D. Maya Elston and Jeffrey Maish. Studia Varia from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Volume 2.

10. Maya Elston and Catherine Atkinson “Re-Treatment of South Italian Pelike” presented and published in the Preprints of ICOM – CC 12th Triennial Meeting, 1999 – Lyon, France, Vol. 2